Latest News

29 July 2021  |  Andrew

Tl:dr Royal Mail were probably messing up label data until they updated their system on 22nd of July. It looks like they've sorted things now for VAT-paid-at-checkout orders, which you can place through my Etsy shop:

Read more to find out more...

7 July 2021  |  Andrew

Update on the Etsy shop for EU and Norway sales

Ok, a wee update is needed about the Etsy shop for sales to the EU and Norway. Read more to find out more!

1 July 2021  |  Andrew

Statuesque Etsy shop open for EU and Norway customers

It's the 1st of July and I'm happy to say the Statuesque Miniatures Etsy shop is now open for orders from the EU and Norway. Read more to find out why this is a very good thing!

14 June 2021  |  Andrew

Statuesque Miniatures on Etsy

Statuesque Miniatures is now on Etsy - for Norway (and soon EU) customers! Read more to find out why.

19 April 2021  |  Andrew
2 March 2021  |  Andrew

Welcome to the new Statuesque shop

It's an all new shop, so please read my blog post to see what's changed.

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